Applying the Christmas story to your life

We have a couple of different Christmas reading programs available for free download.

Becoming Truly Human (2015)

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Our Christmas readings this year are gathered around the theme of true
humanness. What does it mean to become more truly human—in our
individual lives, in relationships, in marriage and family dynamics, in our
business dealings with others, and in all areas of human endeavour? What
does it mean to become more deeply human, little by little, day by day, as
the Lord works to fashion us into new creatures?

In one sense, the Lord came on earth to demonstrate what it means to be truly uman. In all of His words and actions, He showed us qualities of understanding, mercy, compassion, goodness, truthfulness, faithfulness, wisdom of life, and love. These qualities (and many others) are qualities that He strives to build in each one of us—as we cooperate with Him in our spiritual development, and as we strive each day to become more truly human.

So this year we will look at the Christmas story with an eye to seeing all that is truly human there: human qualities that are reflected in the lives of the people who surrounded the Lord at His birth, and human qualities that He Himself embodied as He “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and people”. The Lord our God is the perfect embodiment of true humanness; and by His coming on earth and His life choices there, He made it possible for us to become more truly human ourselves, as we are created anew in His image and likeness.

Format: Each daily reading in this booklet features part of the Christmas story, followed by commentary from the 18th century theologian, Emanuel Swedenborg. Each reading and commentary touch on one part of the divine birth in us. At the end of the readings for each day is a set of reflections, together with some questions for consideration. There are twenty-six readings in all, designed to carry you from December 1st through to Christmas day, with one extra for the day after, looking forward into the new year. Our hope is that these readings, together with worship services and church events available throughout the world, will provide a sense of uplift and spiritual renewal in your life this Christmas season, as you continue on the pathway to becoming more truly human.


The birth of genuine, unselfish love in human hearts, minds, and lives.(2014)

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Imagine a little baby that has been born—six pounds, eight ounces, and just eighteen inches long. And yet wrapped up in that little bundle of sweetness and innocence is terrific potential—potential for growing, learning, living, and loving; latent talents and abilities for reaching out, serving others in wise and loving ways, and impacting human lives for good—both in this world and forever in heaven.

Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbour as yourself.” “Love your enemies,” He said, teaching us that we have the ability to benefit human lives, even of people who make themselves our enemies—supporting what is good and true in them, helping them (as much as possible) to make changes in their lives for the better, and encouraging them on a journey up gently sloping pathways toward heaven.

The message of the Lord in the Judeo-Christian scriptures is clear—at the heart of all human potential is the God-given ability to love. The birth of genuine love—in our lives and in relationships—is actually prefigured in the story of the Lord’s birth on earth. His birth was the birth of divine love into the world; and in a symbolic way it pictures the birth of unselfish love into our own hearts, minds, and lives. Each story or prophecy leading up to His birth, each character we meet in the divine narrative, every word that is spoken and every action that is taken, mirrors a part of our own growth and development, as genuine love, compassion, wisdom, and usefulness are gradually born in us. The story of Christmas, on a personal level, is about the potential for love and genuine humanness being realised in us, as we walk the road toward heaven, cooperating with the Lord in the process we call salvation.

Format: Each daily reading in this booklet features part of the Christmas story, followed by commentary from the 18th Century theologian, Emanuel Swedenborg. Each reading and commentary touch on one part of the divine birth in us. At the end of the readings for each day is a set of reflections together with some questions for consideration. There are twenty-six readings in all, designed to carry you from December 1st through Christmas day, with one extra for the day after, looking forward into the new year. Our hope is that these readings, together with worship services and church events available throughout the world, will provide a sense of uplift and spiritual renewal in your life this Christmas season, as you continue on the pathway toward genuine love.

Merry Christmas

from Hurstville New Church

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